Pest Control

Natural Pest Repellents

Several natural Pest Control Garland TX products can be used to help repel and eliminate pests from both the home and garden. These natural products are typically safe for humans and pets.

Garlic, basil, and marigold flowers have a strong smell that helps repel many types of pests. Chrysanthemum plants contain pyrethrum, which is a natural insecticide that can kill a wide variety of bugs. Diatomaceous earth, a food-grade product, can also be effective when used as a bug spray.

pest control

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are a popular ingredient in natural pest repellents. Citronella, limonene, and other citrus oils are known to repel mosquitoes, and a compound found in lemon eucalyptus (picaridin) shows promise in warding off ticks and other pests. But in CR’s bug spray testing, repellents with these and other plant-based ingredients typically score lower than those made with synthetic chemicals.

In a recent study, researchers examined essential oil extracted from the peel of a citrus fruit called Citrus maxima and found it had insecticidal and fumigant properties. Those findings indicate that a waste product from citrus processing could be used as an eco-friendly alternative to insecticides.

For home gardeners, tucking some dried or fresh peels into the soil of your vegetable or flower garden can help repel pests like moths, beetles, and cockroaches. The peels also add nutrients to the soil.

A common household ingredient, white vinegar can be sprayed around the home and garden to disrupt the olfactory senses of certain bugs, making them less likely to come near infested areas. It can also be mixed with water in a spray bottle and used to clean surfaces.

Almond Shells

Almond shells contain high amounts of calcium carbonate and are a natural deterrent for many pests. They also contain several valuable nutrients, including magnesium and potassium. When crushed or ground, they are an excellent plant food and can help to keep soil healthy.

After harvesting, almonds are screened to remove any stones or twigs before going through a series of rotating cylinders that break the shells and separate the kernel from the hull. This process, called hulling, results in two waste streams – one that contains discarded hulls and the other that contains discarded almond meat. Both of these streams can be reused as mulch for garden planters or landscape material.

But a company is looking for ways to add value to the hulls and shells by turning them into something farmers want to use. The hulls and shells are sent into a reactor that looks calm on the outside but replicates a slow-burning forest fire, or pyrolysis.

The resulting product is called torrefied almond shell powder. It is a strong reinforcement for plastics, and researchers are experimenting with it as an alternative to converting almond woody biomass into bioethanol. It has been tested as a soil enhancer, and it is also being used to kill nematodes in almond orchards. Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that eat the roots of plants, stunting their growth and leading to disease.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is a powerful natural pest repellent that contains the chemical eugenol which has antiseptic and anesthetic properties. Eugenol has been shown to cause the death of many insects including cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, mites, and moth caterpillars. It can also be used as a replacement for chemical bug sprays.

Simply apply a few drops of clove oil to your skin and it will help you avoid bites from insects such as mosquitoes. It is also very effective in helping to ward off other unwanted insects such as wasps, bees, hornets, and beetles.

Another option for natural pest control is to sprinkle baking soda around areas where you have seen bugs such as slugs & snails. The granules will disrupt the pH balance of these unwanted guests and they will die off quickly.

Clove oil can also be added to chocolates & coatings (1/4 teaspoon per pound). It is known for its analgesic and pain relief properties as well as its ability to relieve cold & flu symptoms. It also has digestive benefits and it can be diluted and massaged onto the abdomen to reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion. Clove oil also has respiratory benefits and it can be inhaled to help clear sinuses. It is also known as a teething aid as it has anesthetic properties and can ease pain from toothaches. It has been shown to have antimicrobial effects and it is often used in dental products for these properties.

Hot Sauce

Hot sauce, especially cayenne peppers, is a simple and effective natural pest control solution. The capsaicin found in hot peppers serves as a deterrent to many insects such as spider mites, cabbage worms, and even larger pests like deer and rodents – when applied as a liquid spray directly on plants it can be a very effective preventative measure.

Peppermint oil is another all-natural pest repellent that can help ward off common household bugs including ants and spiders. Diluted at a ratio of 2 drops of oil per cup of water it can be sprayed around areas where pests are known to nest such as window frames and doorways. This solution is also safe for use around children and pets as it does not contain any harsh chemicals.

Neem oil, derived from the neem tree, is an effective natural pesticide that acts as both a repellent and a growth regulator. The active ingredient in neem oil works by giving the leaves of treated plants an unpleasant taste which makes them unattractive to most pests.

A simple mixture of lemon juice and water is another all-natural way to ward off pests such as ants and spiders. The acidic properties of this solution serve to deter these insects by giving them an unpleasant taste that they find difficult to digest – this is why you often find lemons placed on the stems of plants to help protect them from insect infestations.

Table Salt

Table salt might seem like a surprising ingredient to add to the list of natural pest repellents but it works well against a variety of garden insects including slugs and snails. To use it simply scatter crushed almond shells along your paths and walkways in the garden and the creatures will be deterred by their sharp edges or by the unpleasant smell that they give off.

Chrysanthemum flowers are another effective natural pest control treatment as they contain a chemical called pyrethrum which hurts a wide range of unwanted garden visitors. To make a chrysanthemum flower solution boil the flowers in water for about 20 minutes, strain, and transfer to a spray bottle for use. This is a good solution to use in conjunction with other natural pest deterrents such as pepper spray and neem oil.

Neem oil can be used to help repel many different flying bugs including mosquitoes, gnats, and flies. To use neem oil simply dilute 10mls of the oil per liter of water and mix into a spray bottle before spraying around potential nesting areas such as doorways or windows.

Onions and garlic also have a natural insect-repelling action. To make a homemade garlic and onion spray just puree two or three cloves of garlic and one medium-sized one with some water. Strain the mixture before adding 100 ml of water and spray on your plants at regular intervals.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is an essential oil that is produced from the oregano plant (Piper origanum). It has been found to have antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. This natural substance has also been reported to reduce inflammation. Oregano oil is sold as a dietary supplement in multiple formulations including capsules and oil solutions. It is widely promoted for its ability to treat a variety of conditions, such as sinus congestion, acne, yeast hypersensitivity syndrome, and headaches. However, there is insufficient clinical research to support many of these claims.

The oil of oregano contains volatile compounds, such as carvacrol and thymol, that have been shown to exhibit antimicrobial activity against several human pathogens. It has also been shown to act as an insect repellent against common pests such as head lice and brown-banded cockroaches.

The oil of oregano can be used as a natural insecticide by combining it with other oils and substances. For example, a combination of equal parts lavender and oregano oil can be used to ward off mosquitoes. The oil can also be mixed with borax to repel certain types of crawling insects like ants and termites. This solution should be sprayed around potential nesting locations such as windowsills and doorframes. The odor of this mixture is strong enough to deter pests without burning or irritating the skin. It is recommended to reapply frequently as needed.